• When did SKRLWN form?

    October 2020 is our birthday month! Right at the height of the pandemic.

  • What is our "niche"?

    Our niche is making volunteerism more accessible to malaysian youths and approaching community work through a more creative lens.

  • Why now? Aren't there enough NGO's in Malaysia?

    We’re here for the smaller guys! there is a gap between those who want help and those who are looking to help and what keeps that gap open is the lack of information and accessibility. Although our approach may not be the most traditional, it’s our effort in making volunteerism a memorable and fun experience.

  • Why does SKRLWN document our missions?

    To cut the answer short: we do it for our sponsors. SKRLWN is completely publicly funded and we need to provide proof that 100% of the funds being donated is going to the cause our sponsors paid for. We also recognize for many these are moments worth remembering and we document with the intention of persevering memories, along with raising awareness and allowing people to see the work we do from a more intimate lens.

  • How can i volunteer?

    Sign up on the “VOLUNTEER” page or keep an eye out on our social media for new volunteering opportunities to join. We are always open to volunteers and try our best to accomodate as many of you as we can for our missions.

  • Is SKRLWN open to collaboration?

    SKRLWN is always up for collaboration, all you need is a purpose!